
The FIR does not only offer the above-described course but also coordinates the Y-Mas continuing education program. The FIR is a non-profit, intersectoral research and educational institution at RWTH Aachen University with about 120 staff members. For more than 60 years the FIR is considered one of the leading German research institutions in the field of organization and industrial management. Furthermore, it is concerned with the organization of corporate IT aiming at establishing the organizational basis for the digitally integrated industrial enterprise of the future. As an internationally recognized institute and a long-term partner of the German automotive sector, FIR takes responsibility as the main contact for the Y-Mas program.

The MTM based in Hamburg, Germany, was founded in 1962 under the name of Deutsche MTM-Vereinigung e. V. as a non-profit, scientific-technical association. It has more than 400 members, of which approximately 250 company members represent about 2.75 million employees in Germany. MTM‘s special expertise is the productivity management in industry, services and administration. Hereby the main objective is to reach the optimal combination of efficiency and ergonomics. In the field of industrial engineering, the scientific methods and tools of MTM rank among the most important international standards in the industry.

The PEM is an engineering and consulting service provider, that was founded as a spin-off from the professorship for Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components at RWTH Aachen University. The company is active mostly in e-mobility. To achieve its goals, Pem Motion GmbH is present in four locations in Europe and North America. Customers are auto- mobile manufacturers as well as mobility service providers, automotive suppliers, and start-ups. We support our customers in product development and production planning of alternative pro-pulsion components such as battery cells and electric motors, but also with infrastructure projects and industrialisation of mobility solutions. As part of the PEM Academy, PEM Motion offers a variety of training and further education programmes which are both close to industry and based on current trends in research and development, providing its participants with up-to-date knowledge of relevant processes in e-mobility component production.

The WBA is engaged in the business areas research, industrial consultancy and training and was founded in 2010 as spin-off of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL of the RWTH Aachen University as well as of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT. Together with over 80 company members (among others Audi, Daimler, Hirschvogel, Rathgeber) the WBA develops innovative solutions for tool and die making. By modelling the complete process chain of tool and die making new concepts and technologies can be developed and piloted in the demonstration world of the WBA on the RWTH Aachen Campus. The WBA can build on vast international experiences within the automotive sector in its field of expertise.